Journey to the Spring Forest. Integrated lesson on ecology

The lesson has an integrated character(according to GEF, work with children is based on integration educational areas "Cognitive development of children", "Speech development of children", "Artistic and aesthetic development of children", "Physical development of children", "Socio-communicative development of children" in accordance with age capabilities and characteristics of pupils.

Age Group: preparatory group

Duration NOD: 25-30 MIN.

Purpose: To expand children's ideas about objects and phenomena nature, flora and fauna, relationships nature and man.

Educational tasks: create conditions for:

— development of cognitive interest in the natural world;

– formation of initial skills and habits of environmentally competent and safe for nature and for the child's behavior itself; (Cognitive development) ;

- development of skills to conduct simple experiments with water.

- generalizations of children's ideas about elementary subject concepts: « nature » , "live", "inanimate";

- prevention of fatigue in children. "Physical development";

- activation of children's vocabulary: nature, insects, fish, help. - developing the ability to understand others to express their thoughts (Speech development) ;

Development of the ability to depict natural objects in color (Artistic and aesthetic development)

— formation of collective communication skills

– formation of partnerships in children in the process of research activities (Socio-communicative development)

Educational tasks: to create conditions for the education of a humane, emotionally positive, careful, caring attitude to the world nature and the environment in general.

Developmental tasks: to create conditions for the development of imagination, attention, thinking, a holistic perception of objects.

Preliminary work: Reading the encyclopedia "Why and Why?", reading V. Bianchi's fiction "The Ant's Adventure", holding a conversation "Forest and Man", Making suns.

Materials and equipment:

— Tape recorder with flash — card;

- TV, computer for viewing the presentation;

- stones with numbers, garbage bags, drawing paper, pencils, crayons, felt-tip pens.


The music is soft and quiet

B: I love it when we meet

We are acquaintances and friends

Good morning! Good evening!

Good afternoon! We tell everyone.

Guys, look how many guests we have today. Let's greet them. What do you think their mood is like? And let's give them our smiles and good mood for the whole day. (CHILDREN GIVE SUNS TO GUESTS)

B: Well done, now sit down on the chairs.

Guys today we will talk about nature. What do you think is nature?

CHILDREN: Nature It is everything that surrounds us and is not created by human hands.

B: right. In addition, we swami are also part of nature, just like animals and insects and fish and plants. We breathe the same air with them, drink water and get food, so we can call them our brothers.

Q: I received an unusual e-mail this morning. Look at the screen.( slide 1) Now I will read it to you.

"Dear friends! I am asking you for help!

People came to us in the forest who do not know the rules of behavior in nature and do not understand their importance . They've done a lot of trouble! Fish in the river suffered, ants among the pines and other animals in the forest. Help put things in order, save your little brothers!

mother nature" (slide 2)

Here is such a disaster. Well guys, do you want to go visit mother nature and help put things in order there?

But before you go there, you need to remember the rules of behavior in nature. Guys, what can not be done in nature?

1. Listen to loud music.

2. Throw trash.

3. Trample and pick flowers.

4. Wash cars.

5. Catch bugs and butterflies.

6. Make fire.

7. Ruin anthills.

8. Do not tear webs.

9. Do not flatter in bird nests.

10. Do not touch the cubs.

11.Do not cut on trees.

B: Well done, you know everything. Are we ready to visit Mother Nature now? Let's ask the breeze to help us. Let's hold hands, close our eyes and say together:

The breeze blows harder, take us to the forest as soon as possible.


B: Look, guys, we are in the forest. Let's go along the path and look for the victims.

V: And here is the river, and in it are the fish that were mentioned in the letter. (slide 4) Look how sad they are! Guys, why do you think?

D: The water in the river is dirty.

Q: How did she get like this? Look what is it?

D: This is a factory and a dump.

B: Right. One pipe takes clean water to the plant, and the other drains dirty water into it. Melt water from the landfill flows into the river and pollutes it. What can we advise people so that the river does not become polluted.

D: Recycle waste.

B: Right. The plant must build a treatment plant, and the landfill must be removed and recycled.

Experimental activities .

V .: Yes guys, but we can purify water now. Do you want to experiment? To do this, we need to go to the mini-laboratory. Let's bring water from the river

Q: Tell me, what needs to be done before we go to the mini-laboratory? (children's answers) What safety rules should be observed during the experiments. (it is necessary: ​​a bathrobe; do not make noise, do not spin, be very careful and careful when working with substances and objects).

Experiment « Water purification » :

The experiment is held at the "round table".

Q: Guys, everyone is ready. And now attention. Do the work with me. We we will filter dirty water through a cotton pad. Take an empty glass, insert a funnel into it, and into the funnel filter - disc. And now pour from one glass in a thin stream into another glass, up to half.

Q: Guys, what did you do? (children's answers: the filter is dirty, large and small pieces of dirt remained on it). Has the water become cleaner? (children's answers: yes). So the cotton pad did not miss small debris and dirt.

Look at our fish a little more cheerful (slide 5)

Here we have worked hard, and now we will have a rest. Get undressed, let's play the game "In the world of animals"

Physical education minute

V .: Guys, you are tired, you would not like to rest a little.

Fizminutka: "Young Swimmers"

We went down to the fast river, (walking in place)

Bent over and wash (forward bends, hands on the belt).

One two three four, (clap hands)

That's how nicely refreshed (shake hands).

You need to do this by hand:

Together - one, this is breaststroke (circles with both hands forward).

One, the other is a crawl (circles hands forward alternately).

All as one, we swim like a dolphin (jumping in place).

Went to the steep shore (walking in place)

And we went home.

Q: Guys, let's remember who else needed our help?


What can you say about ants? What are they?

D .:- Small, hardworking, strong, they can lift a wand that is several times larger than them.

V .: - Sometimes it happens that the ant goes far from the house and goes astray. Then he rushes back and forth, stops and runs, he looks for the way. What helps him find his way? Ants determine where to go by smell. But it's not just the smell. It turns out that ants have a very good memory. They remember what is located near the house, what trees, flowers, shrubs, so they find their way home. By smell, they distinguish alien ants from their own and do not tolerate when an alien ant crawls towards them. What is the name of the house of ants? (D: Anthill) And what is it made of? And where is it? (D: From sticks and coniferous needles, among the trees)

V .: - Children, what benefits do ants bring? (children's answers)

V .:- Ants help the birds, they descend on the anthill, stretch their wings, and so they sit for several minutes. Ants crawl on the bird, secrete acid and destroy harmful insects that bite the bird.

- Ouch, trouble, trouble, trouble

Ant hole gone

Someone stepped on the anthill

Then he threw stones!

Guys, let's help the ants,

Put the stones back on the path.

(children take stones, examine them, there are numbers on them)

Di "Path". (from 1 to 10)

Children, you need to not only restore the path, but arrange the pebbles in order from 1 to 10. So that the ants find their way home. Can you handle it?

V. - How happy I am for you guys. You helped the ants restore their path.

D / and "Draw an ant's house"

But the ants also need a new home. I suggest that each of you draw a beautiful anthill, and then the ants will choose a house to their liking.


B. Great, you've had a great time! Look the ants are happy. (slide 7)

Part of the group behind a screen, decorated as a forest - Christmas trees, mushrooms, grass, flowers, under the trees you can plant toy forest animals, garbage is scattered everywhere - plastic bottles, bags, papers, tin cans).


He really is a sad one. The birds don't sing, the leaves on the trees don't rustle, the grasshoppers don't chirp. What happened to him guys, what do you think?

Children's responses are heard.

People relaxing in nature

They had fun and sunbathed.

And without thinking, they threw

And candy wrappers

And a torn package

And juice boxes

From a banana peel,

From nuts shell.

- Children, what do you think, is it possible to throw and leave garbage in the forest? Why? Where should the garbage be thrown? (children's answers are heard). How can we help the forest? (collect garbage in bags).

Let's take it away with you. (Children collect garbage in a plastic bag, then to take it to the trash can). And later I'll throw the trash in the trash can. (slide 9)

Final part

B: Well, we all helped.

Guys, it's time for us to return to kindergarten. (We stand in a circle) Let's close our eyes and say:

"The breeze blow harder, take us to the garden soon"

We open our eyes with you in the garden.

Educator: Look guys, and again we received a letter by e-mail.

“Dear guys, thank you for your help! You put things in order in our forest and took care of my children! Now I see that you are my real friends. I officially designate you as conservationists and send you emblems. See you soon!

Mother Nature"

Educator: Guys, well, since we are now defenders of nature, then we will continue to rush to the aid of our smaller brothers, right?

Now tell me, please, did you like our travel? Look under your chairs for emotion cards. Choose a card with such an emotion that you have left after our lessons.

Working with cards (children's answers): -I'm sad because people leave garbage in the forest after the rest. I was surprised that we were able to purify the water and help the fish. -I am happy that we helped the ants restore their path, etc.

I wanted to thank you children for your active participation. I hope that our occupation was useful and informative for you.

Theme: "Birds"

Purpose: To consolidate the knowledge of children about birds.

Tasks: to form interest and love for nature, to teach to notice changes in it; deepen interest in birds, teach them to identify and name their characteristic features

Preliminary work: watching birds on walks, looking at paintings where artists depicted different seasons, illustrations of birds.

Material for the lesson: presentation, audio recording; colored cardboard, pieces of brown thread, glue, napkins.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys, look what a wonderful, beautiful, sunny day today. Let's join hands and give warmth to each other. Now I will read fragments of poems about the seasons. You must say which one is in question and how you guessed it. What season is it now? (Spring)

(The teacher reads a poem about spring)

Drops are ringing in the yard,

Streams run through the fields

Puddles on the roads.

Ants coming soon

After the winter cold.

Bear sneaks

Through the forest deadwood,

The birds began to sing songs

And the snowdrop blossomed.

S. Marshak.

Educator: Guys, what other seasons do you know?

(Didactic game "What time of year?")

Educator: Here are pictures dedicated to the four seasons. Look at them and choose a picture about spring. Tell us about how you guessed that it was spring.

(The teacher shows several pictures. Children choose the one that depicts spring, motivate their choice.)

(Audio is playing)

Educator: Guys, do you hear what it is? (Birds)

And what are these birds? (migratory) Let's play the game "Know the bird" (work with slides)

(Children call birds. Vocabulary work)

Educator: What do we call the birds that winter with us? Find the wintering birds in the pictures and name them. And let's repeat, what are the names of the birds that fly to us in the spring? Find the migratory birds in the pictures and name them.

(Children find images of migratory birds in the pictures and name them. The teacher helps with difficulty in answering.)

Educator: How are all birds similar? (Beak, two legs, feathers, wings, tail).

How do they differ from each other? (size, plumage color, tail shape, wing size)

(Children remember the common signs and differences of birds.)

Teacher: Let's guess riddles.

Blacker than all migratory birds,

Cleans the arable land from worms,

Back and forth on arable land jumps,

And the bird is called (Rook)

(Slide out)

Everyone knows this bird:

On the pole is her palace,

Worms carry chicks,

Yes, it crackles all day (Starling)

(Slide out)

awl on the front,

Behind the fork.

Above - black cloth,

Below is a white towel. (Martin)

(Slide out)

Although modest in appearance, he

Patchwork feathers, little sock,

He lives in the field

All spring and summer he sings songs. (Lark)

(Slide out)

Physical education minute

Black rooks flew

They sat quietly on the lawn.

Like, pecked

Then they flew again

Educator: What do you think the birds will do when they return home (to their homeland? (build nests) And where do the birds build, build nests? (in trees, bushes, under trees, etc.)

What do they make them from? (branches, dry grass, etc.)

(viewing slides)

Children, what rules should be observed in relation to birds? (remember the rules, look at the slides) (do not catch, do not take chicks with you; do not pick up eggs, birds can leave their nest; do not destroy nests, etc.)

Educator: Guys, let's help make nests for our birds. Let's go to the tables. And we wake them up with the help of ordinary pieces of brown knitting thread (children do the work on their own).

Summary of the lesson. Who are we talking about today? What have you learned about these birds? Was it interesting or difficult for you? And now I propose to arrange an exhibition of your work.



Abstract of the lesson on ecology in the senior group on the topic "Birds"

Theme: "Birds"

Purpose: To consolidate the knowledge of children about birds.

Tasks: to form interest and love for nature, to teach to notice changes in it; deepen interest in birds, teach them to identify and name their characteristic features

Preliminary work: watching birds on walks, looking at paintings where artists depicted different seasons, illustrations of birds.

Material for the lesson: presentation, audio recording; colored cardboard, pieces of brown thread, glue, napkins.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys, look what a wonderful, beautiful, sunny day today. Let's join hands and give warmth to each other. Now I will read fragments of poems about the seasons. You must say which one is in question and how you guessed it. What season is it now? (Spring)

(The teacher reads a poem about spring)

Drops are ringing in the yard,

Streams run through the fields

Puddles on the roads.

Ants coming soon

After the winter cold.

Bear sneaks

Through the forest deadwood,

The birds began to sing songs

And the snowdrop blossomed.

S. Marshak.

Educator: Guys, what other seasons do you know?

(Didactic game "What time of year?")

Educator: Here are pictures dedicated to the four seasons. Look at them and choose a picture about spring. Tell us about how you guessed that it was spring.

(The teacher shows several pictures. Children choose the one that depicts spring, motivate their choice.)

(Audio is playing)

Educator: Guys, do you hear what it is? (Birds)

And what are these birds? (migratory) Let's play the game "Know the bird" (work with slides)

(Children call birds. Vocabulary work)

Educator: What do we call the birds that winter with us? Find the wintering birds in the pictures and name them. And let's repeat, what are the names of the birds that fly to us in the spring? Find the migratory birds in the pictures and name them.

(Children find images of migratory birds in the pictures and name them. The teacher helps with difficulty in answering.)

Educator: How are all birds similar? (Beak, two legs, feathers, wings, tail).

How do they differ from each other? (size, plumage color, tail shape, wing size)

(Children remember the common signs and differences of birds.)

Teacher: Let's guess riddles.

Blacker than all migratory birds,

Cleans the arable land from worms,

Back and forth on arable land jumps,

And the bird is called (Rook)

(Slide out)

Everyone knows this bird:

On the pole is her palace,

Worms carry chicks,

Yes, it crackles all day (Starling)

(Slide out)

awl on the front,

Behind the fork.

Above - black cloth,

Below is a white towel. (Martin)

(Slide out)

Although modest in appearance, he

Patchwork feathers, little sock,

He lives in the field

All spring and summer he sings songs. (Lark)

(Slide out)

Physical education minute

Black rooks flew

They sat quietly on the lawn.

Like, pecked

Then they flew again

Educator: What do you think the birds will do when they return home (to their homeland? (build nests) And where do the birds build, build nests? (in trees, bushes, under trees, etc.)

What do they make them from? (branches, dry grass, etc.)

(viewing slides)

Children, what rules should be observed in relation to birds? (remember the rules, look at the slides) (do not catch, do not take chicks with you; do not pick up eggs, birds can leave their nest; do not destroy nests, etc.)

Educator: Guys, let's help make nests for our birds. Let's go to the tables. And we wake them up with the help of ordinary pieces of brown knitting thread (children do the work on their own).

Summary of the lesson. Who are we talking about today? What have you learned about these birds? Was it interesting or difficult for you? And now I propose to arrange an exhibition of your work.

Integration of educational areas:"Cognition", "Communication", "Safety", "Socialization", "Music", "Physical culture", "Reading fiction".

Program tasks:


– formation of a holistic picture of the world

- to expand children's understanding of the forest and its inhabitants (groups of animals and birds), about the various habitats of animals and birds, about their adaptability to the seasons;

- encourage to establish the simplest cause-and-effect changes in nature;

- to develop in children a cognitive interest in the life of the forest and its inhabitants;

- to educate children's interest in the life of the forest, the ability to behave in the forest; to cultivate love, respect for nature, to show care and attention to all living things, to form goodwill.

Reading fiction


- by means of an artistic word, to fix the rules of behavior in the forest;


- develop memory, coherent speech, the ability to analyze, draw conclusions;

- develop the ability to listen to each other.

- Encourage children to engage in dialogical speech, use prepositions correctly (on; about; under).

Physical Culture.

- Develop children's motor skills.

Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, productive, perception of fiction, cognitive-research, musical-artistic.

Preliminary work:

Conversations about wild and domestic animals, about migratory and wintering birds, about insects. Consideration of visual and didactic aids depicting wild and domestic animals, migratory and wintering birds, insects. Learning poems and songs.

Material: panorama of the spring forest, half-masks of migratory and wintering birds; dummies of domestic and wild animals, illustrations of the rules of conduct in the forest, recording of bird voices, multimedia equipment.

Lesson progress

Presenter: - Guys, look, guests have come to us today. Let's say hello to them. Get your palms ready. Repeat with me. Finger gymnastics

Hello, red sun - hands up

Hello, breeze - shaking hands

Sunny bunnies - waving your hands in front of you

Quick trickle - hands down, shaking hands

Hello, ripe grass - shaking hands

Hello, noisy foliage - rub your palms

Hello, mice - cotton behind your back

Hello bunnies - jumping in place

Hello everyone now - fingers locked in a lock

We are very glad to see you - hands to chest and forward - to the sides

Song about friendship

Presenter: - Guys, do you hear someone singing with us outside the window? (audio recording "Song of the Magpie"). Look who came to us? (children's answers). That's right, it's a magpie.

Magpie: I, a white-sided magpie!

I chirped about spring

Oh tired, oh tired!

I brought you news

That spring-red has come!

Presenter: Magpie did not just fly to us, she brought us a letter. This is a letter from Lesovichek. “Guys, the holiday of the forest is coming soon. And Baba Yaga bewitched the inhabitants of the forest and so that they would appear in the forest again, she asked me difficult tasks. But I couldn't deal with them. Help me".

Presenter: - I suggest you go to the spring forest and help Lesovichka! So what is a forest?

The forest is the green dress of our land.

The forest is home to birds and animals.

The forest is our wealth.

The forest is the beauty of our nature.

The forest is a doctor, cleans the air, gives oxygen.

Slideshow "Spring forest and its inhabitants"

- Guys, what do you think, what can you travel on? (children's answers). I suggest going on a journey on foot.

We went to the forest clearing,

Raise your legs higher

Through bushes and hummocks,

Through branches and stumps.

So we got to the clearing. Look how beautiful it is here: the birds are singing, the sun is merry, the trees are all around. Guys, someone left us a note. Listen carefully.

Here's a slingshot, guys, to shoot the birds.

Here's a noisy pistol for you to scare the little animals.

This heavy stone can destroy nests,

With this stick - lifesaver, knock down all the flowers.

Guys, that's right. Explain, please, how to behave properly in the forest. Rules

1. You can watch bird nests, but you can’t touch and approach them.

2. You can watch the anthill, but you can’t destroy it.

3. In the forest, try to walk along the path, do not make noise.

4. Do not catch insects, do not break branches of bushes and trees, do not tear flowers. Let the beauty stay in nature.

5. Do not light fires. Many plants and insects die from fire.

6. Do not catch or take home birds and young animals. In nature, adult animals will take care of them.

Presenter: Guys, something Lesovichka is not visible. Let's call Lesovichka:

Let's all shout ay to him, in response we will hear woo

Let's say everything, come here, he will answer ah-ah-ah

Let's shout, grandfather, where are you?

He answers be-be-be.

Stop playing pranks grandpa

If only you were joking.

Come here, we are waiting for you!

Leaves Lesovichok.


I know the forest and I love the forest,

I invite you to visit me.

I love walking in the forest

I walk in the forest every day.

Everything in the forest is interesting to me:

Every bush and every stump.

I am a cheerful old man

Old Man-Forester!

Children: Hello, Lesovichok, we are friends of the forest, we came to help the birds, animals. - We can do a lot of good deeds.

The first task "Animals and houses."

The animals are confused. It is necessary to settle them in the place where they live. (Children complete the task). Check if we completed the task correctly.

Lesovichok: Well done, they coped with the task. - Let's go further?

We went to the forest clearing,

Raise your legs higher

Through bushes and hummocks,

Through branches and stumps.

Here is another field.

The second task is "Migratory and wintering birds".

You will now turn into birds and fly migratory to the sun, and wintering to the snowflake.

Lesovichok: Well done, the guys coped with the task!

What a glorious day - gather in a round dance

Let's walk around and amuse the spring,

Let's start a round dance, let's all drink together!

Song "Spring"

Presenter: And our guys know poems about spring. Listen to them

1st child: A brook murmured in a ravine

The birds came from the south

The sun is shining in the morning

Spring has come to visit us.

2 child: The grass is green,

The sun is shining.

Swallow with spring

It flies to us in the canopy!

3 child: Spring has come

Ringing drops

Everywhere you hear the birdsong

And the heavens were higher

Visible plants of all beauty.

4 child:

The sun laughs softly

Shines brighter than hot

And from the hillock it pours loudly

Talking stream.

We went to the forest clearing,

Raise your legs higher

Through bushes and hummocks,

Through branches and stumps.

Ouch! The trail ends at the edge of the river. How can we get to the other side? (children's answers)

It is possible on a boat, on a raft, on a rope. If melted down on a boat, then what is it better to make it from? We have wood, stones.

An experience. Let's take turns lowering the object into the water and determine which object is useful to us:

Wood is light, durable, does not sink, because it is lighter than water

Stone is heavy, durable, sinks because it is heavier than water

Conclusion: it is better to make a boat out of wood, because it is strong, light, does not sink, because it is lighter than water. We made a boat and sailed:


Ding dong, ding dong!

We are sailing on a boat.

The wind is blowing on the river

The wind shakes the boat.

Rocking the boat to the right

To the left the boat shakes.

Ding dong, ding dong!

We row together to the shore.

We row to the right to the shore,

We row to the left to the shore.

A boat has landed on the shore

We jump ashore deftly.

Presenter: so we moved to the other side. What an interesting mysterious clearing. (Modules). We swear, let's rest.

Lesovichok: Guys, I'll tell you I guess riddles. Listen carefully.

1. All four petals moved at the flower

I wanted to tear it off, it fluttered and flew away. (Butterfly)

2. A violinist lives in the meadow, wears a tailcoat and walks galloping (Grasshopper)

4. Many craftsmen cut down a hut without corners. (Ants)

Lesovichok: Baba-Yaga bewitched all the insects in the forest

Bugs don't fly here

The worms didn't wake up.

Butterflies are not visible

It hurts me a lot.

Presenter: don't be upset, Lesovichok, now the guys will dance the spring dance of insects and disenchant all the insects in the forest.

"Spring dance of insects"(to the music of the Russian folk song "Zemelyushka-chernozem")

Lesovichok: Well done, the guys completed all the tasks! I congratulate you on the forest holiday. The forest is a great friend not only to man, but also to animals and birds. For them, he is their home and breadwinner. We must protect and love the big, mighty forest.

Child: Let's love the forest, protect it,

We will help adults in this matter:

Protect forests, fields and rivers

To keep everything forever!

Presenter: Lesovichok and we did not come empty-handed. We give the forest the sun, which is made from our palms. Let our sun be warm, light and fun for plants, birds, animals, insects.

Lesovichok: You guys are a miracle right!

You did your best!

Well done, not bored with you,

Be professors!

Handing out sweet treats.

Kiyamova Gulnara Midkhatova - educator of the 1st qualification category of the Almetyevsk municipal autonomous preschool educational institution - kindergarten of the combined type No. 51 "Rainbow", Almetyevsk, Republic of Tatarstan

Kudryavina Tatyana Petrovna - educator of the Almetyevsk municipal autonomous preschool educational institution - kindergarten of the combined type No. 51 "Rainbow", Almetyevsk, Republic of Tatarstan

Raganova Natalya Viktorovna - music director, Almetyevsk Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution - Kindergarten of the combined type No. 51 "Rainbow", Almetyevsk, Republic of Tatarstan.

Abstract of the lesson on ecology in the preparatory group "Birds of our region"
Purpose: to clarify children's ideas about familiar birds, their living conditions, the role of man in the life of wintering and migratory birds; learn to recognize birds by habits, appearance, songs
Equipment: illustrations of wintering, migratory birds; and a set of flight and down feathers; bird voice recording
Vos: Guys, today we will talk about birds.
(I turn on the recording with the voices of birds)
Questions: what birds did you recognize by voice?
Can you hear them now in nature?
Why not?
Why did they fly away?
What food do these birds eat?
Where are the insects now?
To summarize: the birds flew away to warmer climes, as winter came, there was no food for them.
Vos: Name them in one word, show them by pictures. (migratory)
Vos: Now we will go to visit other birds that have not flown away from us. How can we call them in one word? (Winterers). Look at the blackboard who do you see? Children's answers. How did you guess what kind of birds? (Bullfinch - red-breasted, black-winged; crow-important, loud-mouthed; magpie-white-sided, long-tailed, fidget; dove-blue-winged; sparrow-merry, nimble little.
Vos: Let's remember what birds we saw on a walk? Children's answers
Vos: Guys, tell me, are all birds adapted to independent food production?
Find out: All birds are adapted, but in winter there is little food, so they need help
Vos: how can a person help them (Answers of children)
Vos: right, people who love nature feed birds in feeders
Vos: Guess who sings "Blue-blue-blue" (Cracks. Chirps, coos, croaks? Now let's see what the bullfinches do (Glue rowan)
Show how they do it. And what does the sparrow do (Pecks, jumps, flies) and how they do it, show me. And forty? (jumps, jumps in the snow) Show how she does it. Tit? (Sings) Show (In a low and high voice. Pigeons? (cooing: gru-gru) show. Crow (Walks importantly, croaks loudly). We will show.
2. Let's play the game "Guess which bird"
Vos: What is around us (air) When can air be felt? Is it possible to see him (Children wave their arms, bounce, trying to take off)
Vos: Now I will show you the experience. How does this happen. Demonstrates the fall of two sheets of paper, one of them is even and smooth, the other is crumpled and turned into a ball. He asks to explain why a paper ball falls quickly, like a pebble or a ball, and a smooth one slowly. What we conclude: a smooth sheet is light and wide; when falling, it rests on the air, so it can fly a little
Vos: And now, I invite you to think and explain why birds can fly through the air. After the statements of the children, the teacher gives the children feathers for examination (Machine and down) and asks questions: how do the feathers differ from each other; which of them warms the bird and is called downy; where down feathers grow on the body of a bird; where are the flywheels.
Hands raised and waved
These are the trees in the forest.
Elbows bent, brushes shaken -
The wind knocks down the dew.
Gently wave our hands
The birds are flying towards us
How they sit down, we'll show
Wings we fold back
(Movements are performed according to the text)
Educator: Winter is a difficult time of the year for all birds, especially in our region. Our winters are cold and frosty. There is no food for them under the snow. A hungry bird suffers greatly from the cold. In winter, in order to survive, birds need to eat even more than in summer. Therefore, we must take care of them. After all, birds are true friends of gardens and forests. We need to support the birds in winter. Come on, what can you feed the birds in winter? CHILDREN: sunflower seeds, melons, pumpkins, oats, millet, wheat bread crumbs. The teacher invites the children to make bird feeders from pre-prepared bags, which everyone hangs on the kindergarten site and puts food there. Educator: guys, did you like our lesson. What did you learn new (children's answers)
Our lesson is over

  • Excursion with children of senior preschool age to the fire department
  • Summary of classes on the development of speech. Theme: Steppe riddles
  • Synopsis of the integrated GCD in the educational areas "Knowledge", "Socialization" in the preparatory group "The country in which we live"