Who Rules Trump? Donald Trump's Ten Rules for Success Work with love.

An unusual book will be released the other day by the Eksmo publishing house - this is a translation into Russian of the advice of a famous businessman and billionaire Leadership. Donald Trump Golden Rules

The entrepreneur shared his advice on how to become rich and healthy and stop being poor and sick. We publish excerpts with the permission of the publisher.

Be brief

...One day, an energetic, highly competent and educated young man came to work for me. I remember I decided that he would be one of the best players on my team. How wrong I was! He always spent too much time explaining, and soon I began to dread meeting him. He was too slow, thorough and meticulous, but he could not maintain the necessary speed. He was unable to adjust to our pace and, despite his professionalism, was unable to see the big picture and fit into it. After he left, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Try not to let the same thing happen to you. Learn to adapt. Learn to learn all the time...

People who have analyzed my negotiating method have commented that what sets me apart from others is the important ability to get to the heart of the matter quickly. The ability to quickly grasp and speak briefly and essentially does not come by itself, I worked on it for a long time. However, anyone can apply this method every day by sending messages, writing letters and ordering lunch...

Let me give you one story from my life. Riccardo Bellini only had three minutes to present his business plan to me. I was very busy that day and not in the best mood for listening to presentations, so I decided that he would forego his three minutes allotment and that would lighten my day a bit. But Riccardo not only did not refuse, in the allotted three minutes he made such a presentation that I agreed to a joint deal. It's amazing what people can do when they have very little time. Sometimes it's good to set limits for yourself. Learn how to give a presentation in less than five minutes, learn how to talk about yourself in less than three minutes. Your listeners will be grateful for the ability to present the essence of the matter in its purest form. The world values ​​brevity these days.

Tune in to the positive

It is very important for success to have a plan of action, and it is also important that this plan be flexible. Sometimes things turn out much better if you deviate a few times along the way, and it is very important to be ready to do this. Interesting things happen to people who swerve either on purpose or by accident.

Once in New York, I planned to briefly appear on the ship and get off it before it left for the night cruise. The ship was filled with an excited and joyful crowd, the holiday began, but I had other plans in the city. I was about to leave, but I noticed that the ship had already left the dock and was in the middle of the river. I was not very happy with this turn of events, but there was nothing left but to tune in to the best and treat the walk as an unexpected adventure. I got a great opportunity to communicate with different people, and I also got some great ideas.

When such an incident happens to you, remember that it is your attitude towards it that determines what you will ultimately learn from it. You need to be patient and persistent, but be aware that obstacles and detours may come your way.

Get Ready for Difficulties

Even difficulties can be turned to your advantage. I remember once in the 90s, when I was in serious financial trouble, I was considering whether to go to a formal dinner. I didn’t feel like celebrating anything at all, but I got dressed, arrived and found myself at the same table with a man with whom we unexpectedly liked each other. It turned out that he was a banker. Everything definitely changed for the better unexpectedly for me and only because I was disciplined and still came to dinner then.

Don't lose your resolve. The saying "Rome was not built in a day" is very appropriate here. As a child, my father told a story that he thought was funny, but it never made me laugh. I will tell you. One person was very fond of soda. Therefore, he decided to do business on it and created a product called 3-UP. But burned out. He started over and released a water called 4-UP. The result was the same. The next product was called 5-UP, which also failed. 6-UP - and crash again. Then the man gave up. And a drink called 7-UP became very successful. Perhaps the entrepreneur simply retreated early?

Fight your fears

Recently, a journalist asked me what I fear most in the world. I replied that I had no fears. I look at it this way: if you define a feeling as fear, then you will certainly become afraid, although sometimes you just experience anxiety.

Are you afraid to start your own business? To put the question differently: Do you get anxious at the thought of starting your own business? Why? What exactly is causing you concern? Dealing with anxiety is much easier than dealing with fear. Fear puts up a barrier that prevents creative thinking. The remedy for fear is very simple: you need to find a solution to the problem. Whatever you do - investing, minimizing property taxes, running your own business, or maybe all at once - any task can be divided into separate components and work with them in the manner that is familiar to you.

Many of you know that I play golf. I have always said that golf is an intellectual game, and it is true. It requires serious technical equipment and a certain skill. You can't play golf with indifference and expect good results. You need to play with concentration and patience. Legendary golfer Bobby Jones once said, "It's not new or unusual that you can only take one stroke at a time in golf, but it took me many years to fully grasp it." In ordinary life, we win because every day is filled with hard work, and every second is filled with a champion approach to business.

Let's dwell on Aristotle's saying: "The best path that a person can choose for himself is to achieve the highest result that he is capable of." This is introspection at its highest. Indeed, striving for the highest achievement that one is capable of is the best choice for a person. Why set low goals? Have you ever heard from a child that when he grows up, he does not want to be nobody? No, the child is full of dreams and plans and is rarely limited to modest desires. Children want to be presidents, astronauts, scientists and doctors. They are on the right track, they have the right way of thinking. Try to mentally go back to the times when you set big goals for yourself. Not everyone is capable of becoming a world champion, but everyone can strive to the maximum that they are capable of. This is the first step - and a daily commitment.

Champions do everything beyond their ability. We all know when we just did enough, and when we really gave it our all. Try to push yourself every day. Don't lose because you didn't give yourself a chance to start. Do not be afraid of success, because the degree of responsibility seems too big for you - just focus and go! You will be surprised at the results that reasonable effort will bring. Alexander Graham Bell had one thought that I never forget: “Focus fully on the work you are doing right now. The sun's rays will not kindle anything until they are concentrated in the center of the lens. Remember this, learn to think like a champion - and become one.

Think brilliant

“It is very important to never stop asking questions. Curiosity has a reason to exist.” Albert Einstein.

Every morning I read newspapers - city, national, international. Then I watch news channels. By the time I get to the office, I have a fairly complete picture of what is going on in the world. With everything that's been going on lately, being mindful is absolutely essential, apart from being very important in terms of creative thinking. I quickly take stock of everything I've read or heard and consider how it might relate to my business or the deals I'm working on. In addition, during the day I update information about what is happening in the country and in the world. It is impossible to work effectively without being sufficiently informed, and today this is even more important than ever.

Control is directly related to education. The risk of losing control of the situation due to lack of education or information is very high. Of course, there are things that are not amenable to reasonable control, and in life there is always an element of risk, this cannot be denied and discounted. But the power of the mind is equal to the power of a powerful lever. And it's not all about omniscience. Some people think that I ask too many questions.

Now that the economic crisis has caused a lot of problems in our country and repercussions around the world, it's time to use informed creative thinking. Not so long ago I read an article about people who are considered geniuses. Among them were Aristotle, Leonardo da Vinci and Einstein. Aristotle highly valued imaginative thinking, Einstein believed that visualization helps solve problems, and da Vinci believed that restructuring a problem makes it easier or larger. I realized that I applied all these principles in practice, although not always consciously. All these people believed in chance. Moreover, they were preparing for it and the "creative consequences" were not long in coming, which often led to surprising discoveries. They all had a lively receptive mind and a willingness to learn. I list these qualities because each of them can be used in business - with amazing effect.

Sometimes people ask me why I succeed in everything I do. I can’t always answer this question, because not the whole process is describable, but after reading the article about geniuses, I realized that this is how I make decisions. We all have creativity, so take some time to understand how this process works for you.

I was once asked if I consider myself a genius. I thought and answered in the affirmative. Why not? Try it too. Tell yourself that you are a genius. You will probably immediately think about what exactly you are brilliant at. And then your mind will open to knowledge - and to questions. This is the first big step towards a genius mindset that can bring out your talents. Geniuses are creative and prolific. Not everything they create will be unimaginably beautiful, maybe there will be many mistakes, but even these mistakes will testify to the power of the mind and the ability to think. Einstein said that words and numbers have nothing to do with his thought process, because he sees visual images. Meanwhile, he published hundreds of works during his lifetime.

Another trait common to many geniuses is the ability to think backwards. This way of thinking goes beyond the boundaries of ordinary logic and gives your brain the opportunity to operate with concepts on a new level. In business, this skill can be invaluable because it's one way to look at booms, busts, and cycles in the financial and real estate markets and understand why they happen so they can be dealt with.

Do not underestimate your abilities, know that you are able to cope with everything that comes your way. Increase your potential by learning to think like geniuses. And remember Einstein's words: "He who has never made a mistake has never tried to do something new." I regard my work as art. Picasso was not only a great artist, but also a good businessman. He knew the value of his work and never looked for excuses. Once he told a story about how a man came to his workshop, stood in front of one of the canvases and asked: "What does this picture mean?" "Two hundred thousand dollars," the artist replied. And this is the pure truth, expressed without prejudice. It is clear that Picasso viewed his art as a business, and with good reason. I view my business as an art, and for good reason too. Treat your work the same way. And that's why. Artists are known for their commitment to their ideals, their muse - and their obsession with perfection in the details. These are wonderful qualities. They serve as a good help to achieve the desired result. Recently, a manuscript of Beethoven was discovered in one of the libraries. There are so many corrections and strikethroughs in it that in some places the paper is worn to holes. This work belongs to the last years of the composer's life, therefore, he was no longer a beginner in writing music. This is how a great man worked: a perfectionist, ready to create only the best. He didn't need anyone's approval, only his own. This is a wonderful approach to business for both a businessman and a musician. Try to surpass yourself in order to achieve the best result. This is the mindset of entrepreneurs: they know that competition can lower their own level. This is the truth, no matter how unpleasant it may be. You have to stick to your own vision. Picasso undoubtedly had his own way of looking at things, and this, of course, benefited him as an artist and businessman. Don't be afraid to be unique. Do not be afraid of the best manifestations of your own personality.

Picasso said: "Art is a lie, but this lie teaches us to comprehend the truth." From one point of view, art very often makes the complex simple. Is it difficult to apply paint to the canvas? It's not that hard if you think about it. Just what will come of it? However, it is much more difficult to apply paint to a canvas in a special way, especially if you know what should come out of it.

Anyone in business knows that negotiating and closing a deal requires a lot of upfront work. No one sees how I do this work, but this does not mean that I do not do it. When visitors look at the impeccable marble in my Trump Tower, they are struck by its splendor, but they are usually unaware of what that splendor cost me personally. No one is interested in the sweat, blood and tears that beauty or art demands. Only the result matters. In addition, art is representative. In other words, it is not life itself, but its embodiment. Art can show the truth, which is obscured from us by the bustle of life. It shows us the reflection. My deals are a reflection of my integrity as a businessman. I strive for a multi-faceted, all-encompassing approach - just like an artist. Take this approach and use it as often as possible - it will teach you a lot, whatever you do. The work of a developer is a craft and an art at the same time, and I would not settle for less. I didn't have to use rare marbles to build Trump Tower, but the difference in quality would have been obvious, and I knew it. Therefore, when I say that I consider my work to be art, rest assured that I am as picky as an artist about the quality of colors and the overall picture. If you act in the same way, I think your new, higher level will surprise even you.

Appreciate yourself highly. Life is art and business is art, so be an artist, show your best.”


Donald Trump is not just a businessman, but a man who has made his name a global brand.

Many developers are paying Trump to sell their properties and be the face of the projects. On his ambitious building projects - be it a hotel, a skyscraper or a trading house - he invariably puts Trump on the cap of the building. Forbes magazine in 2012 estimated the fortune of Donald Trump at $ 2.9 billion (128th in the ranking). Trump owns a huge amount of real estate, including hotels, retail space, casinos, villas, golf clubs. His personal Trump Tower residence worth at least $50 million is one of the most expensive apartments in New York: the top three floors with a total area of ​​​​approximately 3,000 m2 are finished in bronze, gold and marble. In addition, Trump is a media person - he played the role of himself in comedies, hosts a popular show on American TV, dresses extravagantly, behaves shockingly. For example, in 2004 he filed a trademark application for his popular phrase "You're fired!".

What does Donald Trump advise to do if the boss is a sadist, why does Richard Branson build a spaceship, what else does Elon Musk need from life and what disappointed Bill Gates in life. Read and get inspired.

Donald Trump Rules

Entrepreneur, 45th President of the United States, 70, New York

If Hillary Clinton couldn't please her husband, how can she please America?

I do not like losers.

Everyone who thinks that my time has already passed, is tragically mistaken.

The only difference between me and others candidates is that I am more honest and my women are more beautiful.

If Hillary Clinton couldn't please her husband, how can she satisfy America?

Part of my attraction is that I'm rich.

I have always dreamed be underestimated.

Money has never attracted me by itself. For me, it's just a way to measure success.

I do business as an art. Some paint on canvas or write poetry. And I make deals - usually big ones.

Sometimes the best investments are those what you didn't.

A lot of people say I act like a gambler but I never gambled in my life. A gambler is one who revolves around slot machines in a casino. I prefer to own these machines.

Yes, I intend to build a huge wall on the border with Mexico. And since no one can build walls better and more efficiently than me, I will build it cheaply. And I will make sure that Mexico pays for this wall. Mark my words.

How is it that I don't like China? I once sold a house to a Chinese man for 15 million. How then can I hate his country?

See how we behave in Iraq. We build schools and build roads, and then somebody blows up a school and we build a new one, and then somebody blows up a road and we rebuild it. But with all that, we can't build a fucking school in Brooklyn.

It seems to me, that when we started building the new building of the World Trade Center, we should have built the same building, only one floor higher, and not come up with stupid designs.

It seems to me that the main problem of the United States It's about being politically correct.

If I become president you will see Merry Christmas greetings in stores again.

Happy to announce that I am against abortion.

We live in a world where people are sure that a good person has nothing to do in politics.

I shake hands always and with pleasure. I don't think you can become a politician if you don't like to shake hands.

Some people think I have short fingers. But my fingers are long and beautiful - just like the rest of my body. And it's well documented.

I love beautiful women and beautiful women love me. The good thing is that it works both ways.

Ivanka(Trump's daughter) great figure. I would start dating her if she wasn't my daughter.

Do not burden your children with undeserved wealth. It will ruin their lives.

As long as you are able think, think big.

There is nothing more criminal than coming up with a good idea and not implementing it.

Never take a vacation. If you don't enjoy your job, then you're not working where you need to be.

My motto: Hire the best and don't trust them for anything.

If your boss is a sadist - fire your boss and find yourself a new job.

victory only losers enjoy.

I always apologize if wrong.

Quotes from public speeches.
Official photograph of the 45th President of the United States from the White House website.

Warren Buffett's Rules of Life

Entrepreneur, 86, Omaha

If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

I am not a businessman. I am a painter.

When I was 16 I had only two things in my head - girls and cars. But with the girls I did not work out, so I had to be content with cars. However, I also thought about the girls, of course. I just had more luck with cars.

I always knew that I would be rich. Didn't doubt for a second.

If you are in this 1% of the most successful and wealthy people on earth, your duty is to think about the other 99%.

Someone is resting in the shade today because someone planted a tree many years ago.

People are always talking about uncertain times. But, you know, I think that's how time works in general. On September 10, 2001, there was certainly uncertainty in the world. And October 18, 1987, too (days leading up to the attack on the World Trade Center and stock market Black Monday.).

Wall Street is the only place on earth where people who come in Rolls-Royces listen to the advice of those who come by subway.

If you buy what you don't need then soon you will start selling what you need.

All reckless investors should learn a line from a Bobby Baer song(famous country music artist). She fully explains what may happen in the future with your acquisitions: "I never went to bed with an ugly woman, but I woke up with a few."

I try to invest only in those enterprises, which are so perfect that even an idiot can manage them. Because sooner or later it will happen.

Constantly putting off looking for a good job and sitting on the one that kills you It's like postponing sex until retirement.

Honesty is a very valuable quality. You should not expect it from people who are cheap.

Every saint has a past. Every sinner has a future.

I'm sure, that every day you need to spend some time just to sit down and think. For example, I think and read at the same time. It makes my decisions less impulsive.

I only buy the most expensive suits. They just look cheap on me.

Most Successful People- those who do their favorite thing.

The ability to predict rain costs nothing. The ability to build an ark is worth a lot.

If you're in a leaky boat then the energy devoted to finding another means of navigation is likely to yield more results than the energy directed to patching holes.

No matter how talented and hardworking you are - some things just take time. You cannot bear a child in one month by making nine women pregnant.

It's dangerous to cross ignorance and perseverance.

A horse that counts to ten is a wonderful horse not a great mathematician.

Always try to be with those who is better than you.

The chance is very rare but you must always be ready for it. When gold falls from the sky, you should have a bucket, not a thimble.

If you find yourself in a hole stop digging.

All I need from life is to know where I will die and never show up in that place.

You can't put an empty bag.

Quotes from Public Speaking
Photo: KIZAZ.

Elon Musk

Engineer, Entrepreneur, 45, Los Angeles

Mistakes are not scary. The main thing is to make mistakes every time in something new.

I want to be a part of that changes the world.

As a child, I was amazed how many different things are capable of exploding at will. It's amazing that I still have all ten fingers.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy taught me that the hardest thing on earth is choosing which question to ask. But if you have already chosen it, then everything else will go easily.

I have my own graveyard of failed attempts. There are a lot of tombstones, and somewhere in the depths there are a lot of freshly dug graves, which are waiting for something to be in them. But I do my best to keep them empty.

Mistakes are not scary. The main thing is to make mistakes every time in something new.

When you have your first million dollars, your life will change. Anyone who claims that this is not true is talking nonsense.

Create a good company - how to bake a good pie: you just need to take the right ingredients in the right proportions.

At SpaceX(rocket corporation founded by Musk in 2002) we are working towards a grand philosophical goal, even though we are in business. If we can build a company that will help humans become an interplanetary species, this will be the attainment of the Holy Grail. But if we create something that can deliver people and equipment to Mars, I will consider SpaceX's task completed. At least at the current stage.

Yes, people have been to the moon but since then nothing comparable has been done. I don't even hear about any really serious intentions to take the next step.

There is nothing truly expensive in rocket science. The only problem is that those who did rocket science in the old days did it with appallingly low efficiency.

You don't have to hire a lot of people to do complex work. Quantity never makes up for talent, and two people who don't know something are no better than the same one.

Perhaps my greatest mistake is the desire to rely on someone else's talent, and not on someone's personal qualities. But this is very important - when a person has a good heart.

The characters in my favorite books are The Lord of the Rings and Foundation(a cycle of fantasy novels by Isaac Asimov) - have always felt the need to save the world.

Right now all of humanity - from the first to the last person - is participating in the most dangerous experiment in history: how much carbon dioxide we must release into the atmosphere before we realize that we are facing death.

When I talk about something, it's bound to happen. Not always on schedule, but it does happen.

Not long ago I said that in the next 30 years most new cars in the US will be electric. And I don't mean hybrids. I'm talking about electric cars.

I never paid people to pretend who love my products.

Once upon a time at our headquarters in Palo Alto Tesla patents were hung all over the wall. And then we took it all off. We removed all this because we decided to open our developments in the name of the development of electric vehicles.

In four billion years of earth history, no more than half a dozen really important events have occurred: the emergence of unicellular organisms, the emergence of multicellular organisms, the division into the animal kingdom and the plant kingdom, the emergence of animals from water to land, the development of mammals and the development of consciousness. The next big step should be the idea of ​​interplanetary life, an unprecedented journey that will dramatically change and enrich us.

Many people don't like change. but we must learn to accept them. Especially if the alternative to change is a disaster.

The first years people will live on Mars under a dome, but over time we will be able to transform Mars into a semblance of Earth and walk on the surface without any protection. It will be an easy tuning of the planet.

Patience is a virtue and I'm learning to be patient. But these are hard lessons.

I would like to die on Mars- but not from hitting the surface.

rocket science not digging trenches.

From public speaking

Sir Richard Branson

Entrepreneur, 66, Necker Island

By far my favorite character is Peter Pan. Growing up is not my plan

Be careful: most things that make a profit will make your life ugly boring.

My mother always wanted me to be able to take care of myself since childhood. But, I think, today, for some educational methods, she would simply be arrested. For example, once, when I was four or five, she dropped me out of the car halfway to the house and told me to drive further on my own.

No one ever calls me Sir Richard. Well, maybe a couple of times they called it that in America, and each time the faces of these people became as if they were participating in a Shakespearean play.

So far my favorite character - This is Peter Pan. Growing up is not my plan.

In order to do business it is not necessary to spend many years studying. Five or six years spent trying to start a business is much more rewarding than the same amount of time spent learning about it. After all, children do not learn to walk from a textbook. Children learn to walk by trying to walk.

Without pure luck in business, unfortunately, not enough.

When I started, I was young and inexperienced. There were many difficulties. For example, for a long time I was not allowed to register a company under the name Virgin (English virgin, virgin), because they considered this word to be against the bounds of decency. Then I sat down at the table and, in the handwriting of a 15-year-old teenager, wrote them a letter that began like this: “Without a doubt, the word “virgin” cannot violate the boundaries of decency, since it is the exact opposite of any violations.” Here, of course, they softened.

My business model is simple: surround yourself with great people and give them enough freedom to create great things.

Virgin Airlines was born when I was trying to fly from Puerto Rico to the Virgin Islands and the flight was canceled due to not enough passengers. I was then in my early twenties. I wandered around the airport for a while, and then I hired a private jet, borrowed a piece of cardboard from somewhere, and wrote on it: “Virgin Airlines, $39 to the Virgin Islands.” And so, out of my own frustration, a business was born. That's the same reason I'm building a spaceship today - because NASA is not interested in sending me or you into space.

I don't understand why business people can't learn to speak simply. But I got lucky. My dyslexia has shaped my communication style: if something can't be explained in a nutshell, it's rubbish to me.

I am very excited. When people tell me something is impossible, I always try to prove otherwise.

The best investment I've ever made didn't require a huge pile of money. For 125 thousand dollars I bought Necker Island - a real gem of the British Virgin Islands.

In my life there is no "if I then".

I'm used to trouble. The barge I lived on sank, my London office burned to the ground, and the house on the Necker was struck by lightning and lit up like a torch. I remember how we looked at the fire, and I said: "Things are not the main thing." Luckily, I've never been a collector of paintings, wines, or cars, so things don't really mean anything to me. And a couple of months later we played the wedding of Holly, my daughter, on the ashes. It was the most romantic wedding venue I've ever seen in my life, and everyone around me said that if the house hadn't burned down, I should have burnt it down for the occasion.

One day I met a woman who was completely paralyzed from neck to feet. Despite everything, he was the happiest person I have ever met. She said: "Life is beautiful - because I'm alive."

Want advice on how to become a millionaire overnight? Take your billion and try to start a new airline.

All people are the same because they make mistakes.

Recorded by Ayesha Khan

Bill Gates

Microsoft Owner, 61, Seattle

If the letter contains the word "increase" - probably spam

I'm not cheeky. Quite the opposite. I am disappointed. I am humble. I am polite.

Suppose you added two years to my life, on the condition that I go to business school. I don't think I could do anything better. Look at these shelves around - do you see business books here? That's it.

Spend money reasonably as hard as earning them. In the future, I plan to engage in meaningful distribution of money, if, of course, I still have something to distribute.

I comb my hair every time before sending an e-mail, because I hope to look attractive.

Business - great game: constant competition and a minimum of rules. And the score in this game is kept in money.

Gotta say that I feel sorry for the President of the United States. My name is often on the copy of the letters that are sent to him. I think it's even harder for him to deal with his e-mail than it is for me.

Success teaches nothing. He only convinces smart people that they can't lose.

I recently went to a restaurant. A man came up to me and asked me for money. I'm confused. Then he asked me to go to his page on the Internet. I don't know if it was true or not, but I liked this alternative request so much that I gave the guy five bucks. Maybe it was a bum with his own page on the Internet.

Life becomes much more fun if you approach all its challenges creatively.

If you think in terms of time use, religion is not very efficient. There are a lot of things that I can do on a Sunday morning.

Marvelous, but Melinda (wife of Bill Gates) made me want to marry her. This is very strange, because it is absolutely contrary to my rationalistic considerations about marriage.

It's better if the child is attached to the computer than to the TV.

After few years computers will have personality and probably idiosyncrasy. They will understand verbal commands. They may even express sympathy when we are upset. But that doesn't mean they'll really think... yet.

If the letter contains the word "increase"- probably spam.

I do not like conferences in all sorts of exotic places. It seems that the nicer the place, the less work is done.

When I was young I wanted to become the best chess player in the world. I also wanted to be the best Go player in the world. I wanted the IBM-Microsoft partnership to continue for everyone's benefit, but that didn't work either. There are people I wanted to hire but couldn't. All in all, I've had enough disappointments in my life.

Sometimes I envy those who is programming. After I stopped writing programs for Microsoft, I often said half-jokingly in meetings: "Maybe I'll come over the weekend and write this program myself." Now I don't say that anymore, but I think about it all the time.

If i knew, where is the finish line, do you think I would not have reached it many years ago?

Recorded by Janet Lowe

Flavio Briatore

Entrepreneur, 66, Monaco

I have never hit a paparazzi. Sometimes I could run something into them, but this is part of the game

I never preferred fun at work and vice versa - everything worked out naturally for me. You need to feel very subtly what is more important at the moment - to negotiate or just drink a glass of champagne.

Luck - it is the result of a sequence of actions. There is, however, such a thing as fate - and if you need to constantly maintain your own luck, like a fire in a fireplace, then you just need to be ready for fate. It's not easy either.

I grew up in the late sixties - freedom, revolution and all that was in vogue then. But I personally just worked hard in those years - I had to pay for education. I am by no means a revolutionary by nature. I prefer to stand firmly on the ground, work and play. In this sense, I have a typical Italian way of thinking.

I do not like the word "wealth". It doesn't mean anything. The quality of life does not always depend on money. I do not want to become even richer - there is only one life, and you just need to improve its quality. Money can't buy this feeling, it has to be inside. If you have it, the money will follow.

Everything I do - whether it's Formula 1, a hotel business, a club business, a clothing line, it ultimately has one purpose. I am looking for a new lifestyle.

I've only dealt with two geniuses in my life, but they were real geniuses. One was named Luciano Benetton, the other was Bernie Ecclestone. No one has influenced me more.

Jeans I wear either Levi's or Billionaire. What I really like about Billionaire is the shirts and slippers. And so, in principle, I am unpretentious in clothes - Zara will suit the mood.

I have a playboy reputation simply because, unlike many, I never hid that I wanted to have fun. I had fantastic mistresses, I am still friends with them. I always take any business seriously - and you also need to be able to have fun. At the same time, I worked like clockwork. The playboy code of honor suggests that you have a job in life. I knew a lot of rich people, and among them there was not a single idler. I had energy to hell. Eight in the morning - and I'm already in the office, although we've been drinking all night. I am 29 years old. At least my spirit stopped at this mark. Someone dies at 18, someone - at 40, someone - at 80 - I observed the first, second, and third. You have to make sure that you are lucky, that you die later.

I made myself I am no heir. Everyone in my family was a teacher, and I personally did not want to teach anyone. When I was young, people had much more opportunities than they do now. How was it before? If you had brains, then the next day you got a good job. And now smart students are forced to work as waiters.

In young age I worked as a ski instructor in an alpine resort. It's like a movie: a young Italian teaches wealthy American women how to climb a mountain. Actually, I didn't like it. I can't stand the cold. I love the sea. It's just that I was born in the mountains, we used to get two meters of snow there - so I involuntarily knew how to ski.

I have never hit a paparazzi. Sometimes I could run something into them, but this is part of the game. The paparazzi have families, they need to be fed, I understand. I have an agreement with them: in the summer I set aside two days and allow me to shoot anything - so that only then they will leave me alone.

Parties - Basically, it's always boring. Organizing a fun party is harder than earning decent money. Parties depend on people, and people, by and large, rarely know how to really have fun.

Money - it's about like body temperature, you should have it.

For me to fall in love A woman should be able to make me laugh. In the future, she must comply with two conditions: to be faithful to me and not to get on my nerves. Not so much I demand, if you look.

Recorded by Maxim Semelyak

It is not yet known what kind of president Donald Trump will be, but the fact that he is an outstanding businessman is beyond any doubt. He says to himself: "Everything I touch turns to gold." Today, his fortune is estimated at $ 4 billion, so it makes sense to listen to the secrets of his success.

1. Treat business like an art

“I don't do business for money. I have already earned myself so much that it is already difficult to spend. Trump does not like to be called a tycoon or a businessman, he considers himself an artist and says that he uses money like an artist uses oil paints: "Some people paint, others write poetry, and I make deals - big deals."

We are engaged in increasing the personal effectiveness of leaders.

2. Don't give up!

What separates successful people from losers? Brains, education, connections??? Character! Trump often repeats that among his acquaintances there are those who went to the same financial school with him, but did not achieve anything in life. “Smart guys got scared of trouble,” the businessman diagnoses. “Also in my circle of friends there are those who are among the ten richest people on the planet. Their secret is that the difficulties did not embarrass them, they did not give up and went further towards their goals. Trump admits that he is not an iron man. Like everyone else, he gets tired, sometimes weakness even “rolls over” him (though not for long), but he never gives up!

3. Ask - do your own research

Trump does not believe in market research. The reports also do not impress him. He does his own research. “I will rather believe what the taxi driver will tell me, answering my questions. I ask and I ask and I ask until I have a clear picture of what is happening.”

4. Be focused

The crisis in the 90s taught Trump that one should not be idle: “As soon as you relax, fate will certainly teach a lesson in the form of a crisis.” But after the events when he was declared bankrupt, and he almost lost a businessman, Trump is now always focused and concentrated.

5. Think big

Trump says it's important to think big for as long as you can think at all. The businessman expresses concern that people are now becoming smaller and thinking about their own little happiness: “Most people are afraid of success and victory.”

5. Hire the best

Trump's favorite line from his show The Candidate: "You're fired!" He sees nothing dramatic in this statement. He even calls the fired workers good employees, because they immediately showed their incompetence honestly. They, like excellent workers, are visible in the palm of your hand. The most dangerous category of employees, in his opinion, are nice people who seem to be doing their job. He calls this type a swamp, because these are people who will never take you to the next level, you will work with them mediocrely and inevitably sink to the bottom.

6. Follow your dreams

There is nothing more criminal for financial well-being than coming up with a great idea and not bothering to implement it. “No matter what reasonable things friends and parents say, do not give up your dream! Who else will carry it out if not you?!”

7. Feel free to talk about yourself

If you don't talk about yourself, then how will the world know about you? “If you have the most beautiful product in the world, but no one knows about it, then it is worthless,” Trump said. “You always need to stir up interest in yourself and your product.” How to do it? Trump advises to stand out at least a little. Who cares to write the hundredth time about the same thing. “Be a little different from everyone else. Do not be afraid to stand out, because you will immediately become interesting to discuss.

8. Work with love

Trump is confident that you should not put the burden of undeserved wealth on your children. It will ruin their lives. Just like you can't force your kids to make your dreams come true. He cites the following story: the father announced to a smart, energetic guy that he wanted him to follow in his footsteps - to become the same famous lawyer. As a result, the guy turned into a sad sight. He went to the university for a long time, which he did not like, then sat in his father's office and hated every document. But fortunately, he came to his senses in time and did what he really liked - he began to decorate offices. If you do not love what you are doing, it will only lead to wasted energy, not financial success.

9. Work hard!

Trump believes that he who is lucky is lucky. He often repeats the quote of the great golfer Harry Player: "Luck comes to me faster when I work hard."

10. Think positively

Success is the ability to see yourself as a winner. This is the mood. In the mid-90s, a real estate crisis erupted in America. Trump owed $ 9.8 billion to creditors. The famous high-rise Trump Tower had to be mortgaged on account of debts, but this did not cover all debts. Most of the debt was repaid with gambling profits. Then Trump behaved extremely extraordinary: he forbade employees to read newspapers that said he was bankrupt, and said that only positive thinking could save the company. Surprisingly, he turned out to be right! In 1997, Trump, in some fantastic way, managed to get out of the debt hole.

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At the highest economic and political positions of the Trump regime, and interestingly, the most vocal opponents of the administration are dominated by supporters of the idea of ​​“Israel first”.

The most influential representatives of the pro-Israel wing in the American elite:

“In the history of the United States, it has never happened before that in the first year of the functioning of a new regime, the composition of the power elite and its orientation underwent such major changes”
  • Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen and her deputy Stanley Fischer, an Israeli citizen and former governor of the Bank of Israel;
  • Jared Kushner, an Orthodox Jew and son-in-law of President Trump, is his chief adviser on Middle East affairs. New Jersey real estate tycoon, "arch enemy" of economic nationalists in Trump's inner circle. Supports Israel in everything related to territorial and military claims. He works closely with David Friedman, the US ambassador to Israel, a fanatical supporter of the construction of illegal Jewish settlements, and Jason Greenblatt, the president's special representative for international negotiations. These three define US Middle East policy;
  • Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, a former top executive at the global banking and investment corporation Goldman Sachs, leads the neoliberal "free market" wing of the Trump administration's Wall Street sector. This wing includes Gary Cohn, a longtime Wall Street powerhouse and current head of the National Economic Council. They form the core of business advisors and lead a neo-liberal anti-nationalist coalition that opposes Trump and aims to undermine nationalist economic policies;
  • Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who has appointed Robert Mueller, the chief investigator for Trump's allegations of ties to the Kremlin, wields significant influence. This led to the removal of the Nationalists from the Trump administration.

The "godfather" of the anti-nationalist Mnuchin-Kon team is Lloyd Blankfein, chairman and CEO of Goldman Sach Corporation. The three are leading the fight to deregulate the banking sector, which has already bankrupted the economy, led to the 2008 collapse and bankrupted millions of homeowners and entrepreneurs.

The free-market pro-Israel elite is spread across the ruling political spectrum, including powerful congressional Democrats led by Democratic minority leader Charles Schumer and senior Democratic congressman on the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff. Israel First proponents in the Democratic Party have allied with their "free market" brethren to aggressively pursue media and investigative campaigns against pro-Trump "economic nationalists" and eventually purge them from the administration.

Trio of mad generals

This group of fanatical militarists has successfully taken over from the President the decision-making function on key issues of war and peace. Trump has himself handed over these powers to what he affectionately, naively, and trustingly calls "my generals." He spends his time fighting off accusations of corruption and racism.

Trump appointed four-star General James Mattis, the Mad Dog who led the war in Afghanistan and Iraq and was famous for bombing wedding processions, as secretary of defense. This retired Marine is leading a campaign to escalate US military intervention in Afghanistan, even though Trump has denounced the war in his campaign speeches. After becoming secretary of defense, Mad Dog convinced Trump to announce a US military buildup and more air strikes across Afghanistan. True to his nickname, the general zealously defends the idea of ​​a nuclear attack against North Korea.

Herbert Raymond McMaster, a serving three-star general and longtime proponent of military expansion in the Middle East and Afghanistan, has become national security adviser after Trump ally Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who opposed a campaign of confrontation and sanctions against Russia and China, was purged. . McMaster was instrumental in removing the "Nationalists" from the Trump administration and is now allied with Mattis for a troop buildup in Afghanistan.

John Kelly, retired Marine Lieutenant General, Iraq War veteran, "regime change" enthusiast. He was appointed Chief of Staff of the White House after the removal of Reince Priebus from this position.

This trio of generals in the presidential administration fully share the Israeli lobby's deep hatred of Iran and fully support Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's demands to terminate the 2015 nuclear deal with Tehran.

Trump's military directorate is a guarantee that the financing of overseas wars will not be affected by budget cuts, economic recession, and even natural disasters.

Generals, pro-Israel free marketers and the Democratic Party elite are fighting against the economic nationalists. The former are gaining the upper hand – the building of the military-economic empire, which was going on in the Obama era, will continue and even expand.

Thinned Guard

The leading strategist and ideologue of Trump's allies among the economic nationalists in the White House was Steve Bannon. He was Trump's chief political architect and campaign adviser. Developed a strategy that was attractive to local manufacturers and American workers, but directed against Wall Street and multinational corporate free marketers. He orchestrated Trump's attack on global trade agreements that led to the export of capital and the destruction of US manufacturing and labor.

In the early stages of his career, Bannon organized widespread opposition to the generals' interventionist plans for Afghanistan and plans by Israel's supporters to continue a series of mercenary wars to overthrow the Syrian government.

The combined forces of free-market economists, the military elite, Democratic leaders, outspoken militarists in the Republican Party, and their media allies carried out a successful Operation Bannon Purge. The base of mass support for "America First" economic nationalism and opposition to "regime change" has become a marginal force.

The anti-Trump "alliance" now aims to kick the few remaining economic nationalists out of the administration. This is primarily CIA Director Mike Pompeo, who advocates protectionism by weakening free trade agreements with Asia, Canada and Mexico, as well as Peter Navarro, chairman of the White House Council on Trade. The positions of Pompeo and Navarro are deteriorating, while the pro-Israeli "troika" is gaining strength.

But then there's Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, a billionaire and former director of financial holding company Rothschild Inc. Ross has allied with Bannon to close the gigantic trade deficit between the US and China and the European Union.

Another Bannon ally is U.S. Trade Representative* Robert Lighthizer, a former intelligence and Defense Department analyst closely associated with Breitbart**. Lighthizer is a passionate opponent of neoliberals and globalists both inside and outside the Trump regime.

"Senior adviser" and speechwriter Stephen Miller has been vocal in his opposition to the entry of Muslims into the country and in favor of stricter restrictions on immigration. Represents the "Bannon wing" within the Trump cohort.

Sebastian Gorka, Trump's deputy aide for military and intelligence affairs, has always been more of an ideologue than an analyst, and rode into the White House on the tails of a Bannon frock coat. In early August, immediately after Bannon was expelled, the "generals" purged Gorka, accusing him of anti-Semitism.

The position of economic nationalists is greatly weakened after the loss of Steve Bannon, who led and directed them. Former ExxonMobil chairman and CEO Rex Tillerson, now Trump's secretary of state, and former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, current energy secretary, lead the business elite. This grouping has no direct influence on either domestic or foreign policy. On domestic issues, it follows the free marketers of Wall Street, and on foreign policy, it is subordinate to the military elite. And it is not connected with the "ideological core" of Steve Bannon.

The pro-Trump business elite, which has no ties to economic nationalists within the Trump regime, is showing a friendlier face to overseas economic allies and adversaries.

Big redistribution

The power elite is not limited to belonging to any party. All factions compete with each other and fight for power, wealth and dominance within the administration. The balance of power is extremely unstable, which indicates a lack of cohesion and coherence within the Trump regime.

In the history of the United States, it has never happened before that in the first year of the functioning of a new regime, the composition of the power elite and its orientation underwent such major changes.

Under Obama, Wall Street and the Pentagon have comfortably shared power with Silicon Valley billionaires and media owners to implement a globalist strategy, fight multiple overseas wars, enforce multilateral free trade treaties, all of which have combined to turn millions of American workers into permanent slaves. Under Trump, a new strategic configuration has emerged and radical changes in US political, economic and military policy have been required.

The architect of Trump's campaign and strategy, Steve Bannon, sought to supplant the global economic and military elite by creating an alliance of economic nationalists, manufacturing workers, and protectionist business elites. Bannon wanted to break with Obama's policy of constant multiple wars and develop the domestic market. He proposed withdrawing troops from Afghanistan and stopping military operations both in that country and in Syria and Iraq, while increasing economic, political and military pressure on China. He hoped to put an end to sanctions against Russia and confrontation with her, as well as to develop ties between the major US and Russian energy companies.

But Bannon quickly discovered that his opponents were very powerful. He met with particularly strong resistance from neo-liberal Zionists. By failing to become a platform for the development of a new economic policy, the Trap administration has become a chaotic and messy "territory of struggle." Bannon failed to launch his economic strategy.

The media and state apparatchiks, tied to Obama's strategy of constant warfare, first organized attacks on Trump's proposal for economic reconciliation with Russia. To undermine any de-escalation, they fabricated a story about a conspiracy by Russian spies to manipulate the election. They succeeded in removing Michael Flynn, a Bannon ally and a key proponent of moving away from the Obama-Clinton policy of military confrontation with Russia. Flynn was threatened with criminal prosecution for allegedly being a Russian agent. All this hysteria is strongly reminiscent of the heyday of the McCarthy era.

Key economic positions in the Trump regime have been divided between Israel First and economic nationalists. Trump himself acted as the “decisive” in these deals. He tried to harness Wall Street-affiliated neo-liberal Zionists and economic nationalists with links to the working class, that is, to his electoral base. The goal was to form new trade and economic relations with the EU and China that would be beneficial to American manufacturers. Because of the irreconcilable differences between these forces, Trump's naive deal weakened Bannon, undermined the leadership and destroyed his nationalist economic strategy.

And although Bannon managed to make several important economic appointments, the neo-liberal Zionists curtailed the powers of the appointees. The Fischer-Mnuchin-Cohn triumvirate has succeeded in establishing their competitive agenda.

On Capitol Hill, the entire bipartisan elite united to prevent the Trump-Bannon agenda from being implemented. Giant, hysterically screaming, hearsay-charged media corporations have begun to act on behalf of FBI and Congressional investigators, looking for a conspiracy under a magnifying glass, studying every nuance of US-Russian relations under Trump. The combined apparatus of the executive and legislative branches, with the help of the media, overcame Bannon's unorganized and unprepared base of support, which, as part of the election coalition, elected Trump.

Alone in the political field

Completely defeated and devoid of teeth, Trump retreated, desperately looking for a new power configuration. As a result, the elected civilian president of the United States went to meet "his generals" in their desire for a new military-globalist alliance and the escalation of military threats, primarily against North Korea. But not only. Threats will also be addressed to Russia and China. And the immediate target of the expanded intervention was Afghanistan. Trump has virtually replaced Bannon's strategy of economic nationalism with Obama's revived militaristic strategy of multiple wars.

“Trump has practically replaced Bannon’s strategy of economic nationalism with Obama’s revived militaristic strategy of multiple wars.”

The Trump regime has resumed American attacks in Afghanistan and Syria. Obama's level of use of drones on Muslims suspected of terrorism has already been surpassed. He stepped up sanctions against Russia and Iran, joined Saudi Arabia's war against the people of Yemen, and turned over all Middle East politics to son-in-law and ultra-Zionist Jared Kushner and US ambassador to Israel David Friedman.

Trump's retreat has turned into a grotesque rout. The generals have teamed up with the neo-liberal Zionists in the Treasury and the global militarists in Congress. Communications director Anthony Scaramucci was fired. White House Chief of Staff General Joe Kelly cleaned up Steve Bannon. Sebastian Gorka was kicked out.

Eight months of internal strife between economic nationalists and neoliberals is over. Now the power elite is dominated by the alliance of the Zionist-globalist group with the “Trump generals”.

Trump is desperate to adjust to the new configuration of alliances that includes his opponents from his own party and the anti-Trump media. After virtually destroying Trump's economic nationalists and their agendas, the power elite in Charlottesville, Virginia staged a series of incidents between "white supremacists" and "anti-fascists." After the confrontation resulted in death and injury, the media took advantage of Trump's silly attempt to place blame on both sides to prove that the president was affiliated with neo-Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan. All neo-liberals and Zionists within the Trump administration and his business councils have joined in attacking the president, denouncing his failure to immediately and unilaterally blame the unrest on right-wing extremists.

Trump is reaching out to the business community and the Capitol elite in a desperate attempt to garner waning support through promises of massive tax cuts and deregulation of the entire private sector.

The decisive question was no longer about this or that policy, and not even about strategy. Trump has already lost on all counts. The "final solution" to the election of Donald Trump is slowly coming to the fore in the form of his impeachment and arrest by any means necessary.

The rise and fall of economic nationalism in the form of Donald Trump suggests that the American political system does not tolerate any capitalist reforms that could threaten the imperial globalist power elite.

Many habitually think that only democratically elected socialist regimes could become the targets of systematic coup d'état. But it turns out that calling for "economic nationalism" while inside the capitalist system and seeking bilateral trade agreements is inviting wild political attacks, trumped-up conspiracies, and internal military coups that culminate in "regime change."

The “purge” of economic nationalists and anti-militarists by the globalist-militarists was supported by all leftists in the US, with few notable exceptions. For the first time in history, the left has become the organizational weapon of those who stand for the war, for Wall Street, for the "right" Zionists in their fight to remove President Trump. Ignoring local movements and leaders, trade union officials, human rights and immigrant advocates, liberals and social democrats have united in the struggle to establish the worst of all worlds - the Clinton-Bush-Obama-Clinton policy of waging constant multiple wars, escalating confrontation with Russia, China, Iran and Venezuela, as well as Trump's deregulation of the US economy and massive tax cuts for big business.

The US has come a long way back, from elections to purges and from peace agreements to police state investigations. Our strategic advantage may lie in the fact that the current political life in the United States is worse than ever, we have really touched the bottom and, short of nuclear war, we can only look up.

*The US Trade Representative is the head of the US government agency (department) involved in the development of US trade laws, the drafting of bilateral and multilateral trade agreements, and the coordination of foreign trade policy. Part of the Executive Office of the President of the United States

**Breitbart News is a far-right American news outlet founded in 2007 by conservative commentator and entrepreneur Andrew Breitbart. Before moving to the headquarters of the election campaign of D. Trump, the board of directors of Breitbart News was headed by S. Bannon

I do not like losers.

Everyone who thinks that my time has already passed, is tragically mistaken.

I listen to my instincts And, as a rule, my instinct does not deceive me. Everyone thought that I would not win the elections, and I said that I would most likely win.

All my life are victories. I rarely lose. I almost never lose.

I know everything about social media. Perhaps even better than anyone else. They even told me that I was Ernest Hemingway 140 characters.

Part of my attraction is that I'm rich.

I have always dreamed be underestimated.

Money has never attracted me by itself. For me, it's just a way to measure success.

I do business as an art. Some paint on canvas or write poetry. And I make deals - usually big ones.

Sometimes the best investments are those what you didn't.

A lot of people say I act like a gambler but I never gambled in my life. A gambler is one who revolves around slot machines in a casino. I prefer to own these machines.

Yes, I intend to build a huge wall on the border with Mexico. And since no one can build walls better and more efficiently than me, I will build it cheaply. And I will make sure that Mexico pays for this wall. Mark my words.

How is it that I don't like China? I once sold a house to a Chinese man for 15 million. How then can I hate his country?

See how we behave in Iraq. We build schools and build roads, and then somebody blows up a school and we build a new one, and then somebody blows up a road and we rebuild it. But with all that, we can't build a fucking school in Brooklyn.

It seems to me, that when we started building the new building of the World Trade Center, we should have built the same building, only one floor higher, and not come up with stupid designs.

It seems to me that the main problem in the United States is it's about being politically correct.

Happy to announce that I am against abortion.

We live in a world where people are sure that a good person has nothing to do in politics.

I shake hands always and with pleasure. I don't think you can become a politician if you don't like to shake hands.

Some people think I have short fingers. But my fingers are long and beautiful, just like the rest of my body. And it's well documented.

I love beautiful women and beautiful women love me. The good thing is that it works both ways.

Ivanka(Trump's daughter. - Esquire) a great figure. I would start dating her if she wasn't my daughter.

Do not burden your children with undeserved wealth. It will ruin their lives.

As long as you are able think, think big.

There is nothing more criminal than coming up with a good idea and not implementing it.

Never take a vacation. If you don't enjoy your job, then you're not working where you need to be.

My motto: Hire the best and don't trust them for anything.

If your boss is a sadist - fire your boss and find yourself a new job.

victory only losers enjoy.

I always apologize if wrong.